A new Zipcode

84003, is the number at the end of our address these days, we are here in Beautiful American Fork , UT and we lOVE IT! let us show u around,

This park is visible from our house, about 5 houses down the street from us.

This is our church, which is also on our block, across from the park about 5 houses down. Yes, we are in Utah, the land of steeples and parks.

Here are some shots of our house. They aren't the greatest, but you can see the front of it and our side yard.
This is a great house, a huge cement area for RV parking is Jack's new bike riding area. We have a big back yard, and love it!!

I will post pics of the backyard soon.
It needs some tlc, but its huge! We have a lot of different trees, and a big garden area which we will put to use next year.

The biggest change for me (visually at least) is the mountains!! They are massive, and right out our front door.
The other change which I love, is blue skies every day. In Portland there are so many cloudy gray days, I love seeing the sun everyday and blue skies.

Mountain Range View.

We can get to the temple in under 5 minutes.

Mt. Timpanogos.

This is the mouth of AF canyon, I run a lot here, it is very peaceful and serene. We are so blessed to be back home in mountains.

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