Cutting Down the Christmas Tree
This is the first year we have a real tree. Lee insisted that we get a tree permit and cut it down ourselves. I wasn't sure this was a great idea, after living in Portland for 3 years I had my heart set on a douglas fir. I had passed the Christmas tree farms so many times, always eyeing the perfect rows of Douglas Fir's, laid out like tiny statues dotting the Oregon landscape.
My parents bought us a permit to Duchesne County, in Eastern Utah where I grew up.
After passing nothing but Cedar Tree's and White Pines, I started to realize that this road did not lead to the tree in my mind,
About every thousand tree's I would spot a Blue Spruce like a diamond in the rough, and then it would be gone.
After a whole day of looking we ended up with, one blue spruce, and a white pine.
My parents took the Blue Spruce, since it fit in their house a lot better, and Lee really wanted my Mom to have the tree.
We spent the following day helping my parents decorate their house for Christmas. Jack loved helping Grandma with her turquoise and silver tree.
After getting the Peterson house ready for the holiday, we loaded up our white pine and headed home.
The next day my sister Cherlyn and her boyfriend Janzten helped us decorate the tree. Lee and Jack found a creative way to hang the lights. Vaulted Ceilings do lend an advantage to stringing lights.
Unfortunately Jack has asked to climb up on top of the fridge and onto the wall everyday since decorating.
He had a great time with his Daddy though. Merry Christmas, what a wonderful time of the year.