What I do

I have had a few conversations lately about exactly "what I do" when I am not chasing a 3 year old, cleaning the house, or hanging out with my cute hubby. When I count my blessing my job is near the top of my list. I have been so blessed to work in the field that I do. I work a lot of hours from home and attend meetings and advocate for individuals who often don't have a voice.  I am able to set  MY own schedule, and lets face it a nice salary always helps with job appreciation. There are weeks when I work 20 hours, then there are weeks when I work about 5, all depending on what I set up. I love the flexibility I have, the people I get to interact with, the lives I can help,  and the extra financial support I can give my family. To learn more about Apex Behavioral Consulting. Go HERE


Be­hav­ior Con­sul­tant

Va­lerie has her Bach­e­lor’s De­gree from Utah State Uni­ver­sity in So­ci­ol­ogy, and a Mas­ter’s de­gree from Idaho State Uni­ver­sity. She has been work­ing in the dis­abil­ity com­mu­nity for the past 9 years. Va­lerie started her ca­reer as an In­ten­sive Be­hav­ioral In­ter­ven­tion­ist (IBI) in the state of Idaho. IBI is a ther­apy sim­i­lar to ABA which in­cludes “learn­ing to learn” be­hav­iors: im­i­ta­tion, co-op­er­a­tion and at­ten­tion.
Va­lerie also had the op­por­tu­nity to work as an ABA ther­a­pist in Wash­ing­ton and Ore­gon. She en­joyed her time there, and gained a strong back­ground in work­ing with the autis­tic com­mu­nity, and also an un­der­stand­ing of var­i­ous state fund­ing pro­ce­dures, and pro­gram op­por­tu­ni­ties.
Va­lerie is ded­i­cated to help­ing fam­i­lies and providers, un­der­stand be­hav­iors. Her goal is to cre­ate an en­vi­ron­ment which al­lows in­di­vid­u­als with dis­abil­i­ties to reach their high­est level of in­de­pen­dence.
Va­lerie sup­ports clients in Utah County and surrounding areas as a BC2 be­hav­ior­ist.
To view the rest of our team visit HERE

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