San-Diego June 2013
We visited San Diego in June. This was Baby Cake's first real vacation with a plane ride. We stayed in an adorable little bungalow that opened up to the beach in Oceanside. We went Sea-world with Grandma and Grandpa Gunther, and Cousin Callie.
We watched several shows at Sea World including the dolphin and whale shows. They were very cool, it was amazing how the trainers could command these huge animals to jump through the air to different choreography.
Jack and Callie loved Sea-world, and I loved the running trail along the ocean.
We all had our first boogie board experience and loved it!
This happy little girl did great. We love her to pieces and feel so grateful to have two healthy children in our family.
Jackson had a great time, except for the day he got stitches at the ER, after hitting his lip on the bar stool. He was a lot tougher than Mom was through out the ordeal, and bounced back like a champ. He is such a thoughtful big brother and is always worried about his sissy. I loved Oceanside and I hope we can visit there again. Lee and I also had a great run in San-Diego along the oceanfront. We didn't have any cameras with us, but we ran by the statue of the sailor kissing the girl, at the World War II memorial with Bob Hope speaking to the troops. It felt really cool to be there, I could feel the presence of those who gave their lives for our wonderful country.